
Thank you for your contact.
If you are interested to view our properties privately please fill in the form bellow to contact us after reading the privacy policy.
required items


  • 内覧希望フォーム
  • ご請求いただいた資料をお届けするため
  • お問い合わせにお答えするため
  • お申込み頂いたサービスなどの確認、ご案内をするため
  • 弊社及び関係会社の商品・サービスおよび関連情報をご提供するため
  • 特定のサービスメニューをご提供するため
  • その他、なんらかの理由でお客様と接触する必要が生じた時のため
  • お問い合わせ頂いた内容に対し、適切な回答をさせて頂くために、弊社へ問い合わせ内容を開示する場合。
  • 上記で挙げた利用目的に必要な限りにおいて、弊社の業務委託先または業務提携先(販売代理店や運送会社他)に対して開示する場合。
  • 法令等により開示を求められた場合、またはお客様にご承諾頂いた場合。

Almost all the services on our website are available without disclosing your personal information. However, a few of the services may require your personal information. We take every caution to protect and control any personal information provided by you, and comply with laws and regulations relevant to our business to ensure personal information protection.

Definition of personal information
Personal information refers to any information that, either alone or combined with other information, enables identification of an individual, such as name, address, age, e-mail address, phone number, and date of birth.
When we keep personal information
We take legal and fair measures to keep personal information provided by visitors to our website. We never collect your personal information without your consent.
Services that require personal information
For the services listed below, your personal information is required.
  • Document request form
  • Entry on the waiting list
  • Preview entry form
Use of personal information
Your personal information collected will be used for the following purposes.
  • To send requested documents
  • To answer inquiries
  • To confirm and send information about the requested service
  • To provide products or services offered by us or affiliated companies, and related information
  • To provide a specific menu of services
  • In case we need to contact you for any reason other than those listed above
※We may commission handling of inquiries about property information and/or services, and sending of mails to a third party. In such a case, we disclose to the third party only the personal information necessary to provide such a service, and prohibit the use of personal information for any other purpose. The same rules apply in case we commission part of the management of our website.
Provision and disclosure of personal information to a third party
Except for the following cases, we never provide or disclose any personal information collected to a third party:
  • To disclose your inquiry to us to a third party to answer it appropriately
  • To disclose your personal information to an outsource or partner (sales representative, cargo forwarder, etc.) as far  as such disclosure is necessary for the purpose listed above
  • When laws and regulations require disclosure, or in case your acceptance is obtained
Control of personal information
We have highly strict security measures in place to protect personal information against any illicit access, destruction, manipulation, leak, etc.
Our website does not use cookies. Thus, your name, address, e-mail address, phone number, date of birth, or any other personally identifiable information will not be recorded on a hard disk.
Links to other websites
Although our website contains links to other websites, we are not held responsible for privacy protection at those websites. Please confirm the privacy policies at those websites.
Continuous review of efforts for personal information protection
We regularly review our method of controlling personal information, as well as this privacy policy, to improve them.
If you have any opinion and/or inquiry about our handling of personal information, please contact us at the e-mail address below: